Well, with no real job or activity to be a part of, no silence to allow me to truly sleep in, and no reason to stay up past midnight, I woke up this morning at the crack of 9:45 o' clock, and the day couldn't be passing by any more slowly. So, I've been back and forth between organizing my room for the constantly impending but never quite getting itself over with move, and procrastinating doing said things. I tried to sit down and figure out what to pack and what to send with my parentals (which is most of my stuff... meh*shrugging*) and I got nowhere b/c I'm just lazy... and it makes me a little sad. I always envisioned myself graduatinghigh school and galavanting off to live in some dorm all by myself getting a higher education and living off of ramen noodles and kool aid, and working somewhere really really cool, like a club, or a music store, later at night, just because I like it. And I would defanantly be driving. But things worked out a little differently. Instead, I'm getting ready to watch my family galavant off somewhere else, and I will stay in some very generous peoples house until I can scrape up the money for a cheap apartment I won't get shot in. I work one morning a week taking care of toddlers in a Bible Church, and well, I can't drive at all. Not that i'm complaining (about everything but the driving... and the three hour a week job. Thats not working either...) Its just nothing like I had planned it. Not that thats a bad thing really. Though I could defanantly see myself in the record sales industry, like in Empire records. Such a good movie...
I tried to get all my loose photos and such into albums. Took me an hour between the number of photos and my lack of willingness to do it. And now I know I need to go get all the crap off my floor. But I figure, I have a week. I'll get it done. Thats the mistake they all made. I defanantly function better on a time crunch. Not that I'm rich in time or anything, but you know what I mean.
My mom and sister can't seem to get along at all right now. They fight more than ever. Maybe its just those sweet sixteen mood swings kicking in. I had those once, except I was 14... Not the point.
Wow, I have nothing to talk about... just, wasting time... so unbelievably bored, and its hard to think, at the end of all my boredom, I won't be thrusting myself back into the madness of high school, but I will have to think about shoving myself into the chaos of college life... someday.