( ) complete a list of things to do before I die
( ) sky dive
( ) swim with sharks
( ) have twins
(x) have a song or poem written about me
(x) have a song dedicated to me on the radio
(x) own silver boots
(x) Meet a retired member of a mafia
( ) have my own apartment
(x) pet a cow
(x) be published in a literary magazine
(x) be published in a book
( ) be published in a book that isn't hosted by an online competition
( ) learn conversational Latin
( ) do something that nobody else has ever done
(x) perform on stage other than in school
(x) play a song i wrote live on the radio
( ) have a secret admirer
( ) get married at an outdoor wedding on a day when its pouring down rain
( ) be a daddys girl
( ) have a strong attachment to an inanimate object
(x) learn to change a diaper
( ) grow my hair three feet or longer
( ) work somewhere that doesn't require a dress code
( ) shave my head, and love it
(x) have fingernails that can be used as weapons
(x) make an article of clothing from scratch
(x) get stuck in a hail storm
( ) see a tornado in person
( ) learn to step dance
( ) ice skate
( ) ask somebody on a date
(x) try on a corset
(x) own a garter belt
( ) start a cult of short people who want to take over the world
(x) kiss underwater
( ) go camping
(x) catch fireflys
(x) crowdsurf at an outdoor concert
( ) win money on a lotto ticket bought as a joke
( ) be an extra in a zombie film
( ) visit a country overseas
( ) have the oppurtunity to tell a prominent figure in society that they were wrong
( ) not have a reason to do above action
( ) dye my hair purple
( ) meet Weird Al
(x) snowboard without dying
( ) write a great american novel
(x) hug a stranger
( ) learn the hardest chord ever on a guitar
( ) play a beautiful song on a piano
( ) covor every visible inch of my bedroom walls with things that I love
(x) be related to someone famous
( ) have a conversation with Pauly Shore
( ) See a Broadway performance
( ) see a persons aura
( ) learn to sew a straight line
( ) climb to the top of a volcano
( ) find the bottom of an endless abyss
(x) learn to french braid my own hair
( ) walk around in 8 inch ballirina heels
( ) fly
(x) pet a dangerous animal - like a jaguar or an alligator
( ) learn to belly dance
( ) scream back at a Banshee
( ) get my nose peirced
( ) move things with my mind
( ) see what God looks like
(x) make a little kid smile
( ) threaten my little brothers first girlfriend
( ) see my sister get married
( ) win a burping contest
( ) learn to speak Hawiian
( ) learn to play the bagpipes
( ) work in a library
( ) work in a record store
( ) do something naughty in a public place without getting cought
(x) take a pretty picture
( ) be in a music video
( ) do something for myself without caring how it might affect some random person I've never even met
( ) be a male for one day
( ) change the world
( ) marry an artist or musician
( ) do something shocking
( ) discover something scientifically completely new and name it after what I was thinking about at the time I discovered it
( ) have a garden of cactus and aloe vera (because its all I can keep alive)
( ) cook something edible
( ) admit openly that I'm not as bad as I say I am
(x) own an article of clothing that is more than 35 years old
( ) take my moms cracker jack box ring on antique roadshow
( ) be a creepy old cat lady
( ) learn to use foundation
( ) learn to sword fight in such a way as could save my life if I were ever attacked by ninjas
( ) tour Graceland
( ) own a full collection of Christina Ricci films
( ) visit the grave of a famous dead person who impacted my life significanly
( ) flawlessly sing the lyrics to "Its the end of the world as we know it"( ) figure out what ever happened to my kidnapped Berto choker( ) live to see the day when buying something in Euros saves money again
( )
Last space intentionally left blank. I hate finishing things that lay out what I want to do with my life when I'm so young and stupid.