Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I've learned a whole lot about the people from my past through all this xanga searching.

Everything is different.

Who ever knew...

...that my best friend would come to think that she is ghetto
...that Minders is still sad...that the pastor who introduced me to Christ would get burnt out on being a youth pastor
...that the boy who helped lead me to Christ was in so much pain. The boy who inadvertantly taught me and unknowingly lead me was all the while so lost, and needed more direction than I did. Who knew the boy who helped me to live would want so badly to die.
...that the first girl I ever met who shone so bright with Gods love would also shine so bright with love for the best friend of the boy who helped lead me to Christ.
...that I would ever see anything from the boy on my old bus who used to wear womens clothing again.
...that the boy who helped me pass Math in tenth grade would quit school, that his smile would become a frown, and his intellegence would succomb to drugs.
...that nothing has changed about some people
... that,really, nothing has changed at all, except the fact that I'm not there to realize everything that was ever true. Everything that has never really changed anyway.

Sometimes, its sad to look at the past.


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