Monday, June 14, 2004

And once again, I feel like crap...

Went to go get a state issued I.d. but as usual, my luck wouldn't let that happen. The lady took a look at my "birth certificate", you know, the one we've been using to enroll me in school and get my social security card and everything, and told me it wasn't a real one and that I couldn't use it. Its basically a hospital issued thanks for playing and while it proves my birth, it does nothing for the sake of my current existance. Go figure. I can't even prove that I take up space by proving that I was born. Maybe if I aged like a normal person I wouldn't need the damn card to prove that I'm not in middle school. Great, old enough to do all sorts of things I've always looked forward to doing, like going to a movie without getting a load dumped all over me, but I can't do any of it. Guess i'd better not get my hopes up with the job hunt either, since I'm sure they need a birth certificate. Nobody wants an un-human working for them. I'm tired of this. Chad is sick of hearing me bitch, no doubt, but the state acknowledges his existance right now, and nobody has ever assumed that he was 5 years younger than he actually is, so I'm sorry, I love you, but I'm going to roll around in my own self disgust for a while, okay? A lady working for the state basically just told me that I'm a figment of her imagination till I get a real certificate, which will likely never ever happen.

I was really looking forward to this today. I guess that will teach me to get excited about anything.


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