Thursday, April 15, 2004

and today i don't know how too keep it all inside
but i guess i'll let it slide

Bridges or of crossing them- Gephyrophobia
Decisions: making decisions- Decidophobia.
Mirrors- Catoptrophobia.
Noises, loud- Ligyrophobia.
Praise, receiving- doxophobia.
Trains, railroads or train travel- Siderodromophobia.
Wasps- Spheksophobia.

Yet nowhere can I find the name for a foot phobia... which I have to a hysterical degree. I found names for things i didn't even thing people could be afraid of, but not something so conceivable as feet...

A relatively extensive list of phobias... both a hypochondriacs best friend and worst nightmare, and supposedly, i am a hypochondriac. What i find strange is that hypochondria is the only thing hypochondriacs don't think they have, but is it possible to be a hypochondriac by thinking you have hypochondria? It makes sense to me... but only to me. I'm bored. I wrote a journal last night and planned to put it in here but my computer rebelled. I should really take that as a sign not to post it, but the real question is will i? Only time will tell. I keep tripping over my own feet today. Feeling rather clumsy. I'm a klutz, and proud thank you. With that, I've nothing of worth to say.


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