Friday, September 24, 2004

PS.. After reading more responses on your blog, I think that "Anonymous" is "shaye" the bible banger.

Bible bangers and Bush brain deadness go hand and hand.

So, someone out there thinks that I have something to hide, and what is a bible banger?

I'd just like to make it perfectly clear right now that I never leave anonymous comments. Ever. I let people know exactly what i think and I put my name on them without fault. Why? Because I'm not hiding from you and your critisizm. Just because you can't figure out who it is that dissagrees with you doesn't mean you have the right to put all your infantile frustrated little blame on me because you're prejudging on no premise whatsoever.

So whoever you are, don't give me your crap. Go find the real person who has thier own opinion that doesn't coincide perfectly with yours. I agreed with some of what you said before I discovered that you don't think about what you say and you just want an easy way to give someone a hard time.

Thanks so much, and goodnight.


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