There are more of you to thank today than I can even begin to name here. Thank you for changing me...
Its been a year, give or take a couple of days. But nevertheless, it has been a year since I have intentionally caused myself physical harm. I won't say its been easy, nor, especially in the later months, all that hard. I could have stopped years ago, had I the willpower, but I can safely say I'm done with all that now and its not a place I'm revisiting any time soon.
So what are my thoughts on all of this? Well, call me self absorbed but I"m proud of myself. My actions more so than my thought process, but my mind is going to need a whole lot more revamping, what with the better end of 15 years of mental whiplash and about 3 years worth of battle scars to show for it, not adding another year on to one of those is a start. Maybe I could have stopped before it started on that fatefull December night. Maybe I could have made those four months when I tried so hard before I finally gave up count for something. Maybe I was a stupid kid, or perhaps I had a real problem. Maybe, with different circumstances, I'd be a different person today. Truth is, I don't want to think about that part of my life any longer. I'd rather put it behind me, and I'd say that in this past year, I've been doing pretty good.
This accomplishment, I believe, deserves an orange soda. I think there are still some in the fridge downstairs.
In other news, I'm going to the fabric store on Wednesday. Yay!
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