It looks like mono, it feels like tonsilitis, and it sounds like strep, but it is in fact a "bacterial infection" in my tonsils. At least i don't have mono. I am, though, missing my third day of school now, and i'm getting quite restless. I'm sick of being at home, but this is a "recovery period" and i'm tired of recovering. I want to get out there and run around like a lunatic. I'm ready to bounce off the walls and wrestle in the park and wear myself out till i'm so tired that i can't remember my own name.... but apparently this is how i got in my current condition. i find that hard to believe. I"m thinking that bacteria doesn't just emerge when you get worn out. Were that the case, i should already be dead. I want to go to the Friday thing tomorrow, but i don't think my oh so concerned mother is going to allow me to do such. Which sucks. I miss Ev...
Either my luck is horrendous, or all of humanity has a very bitter resentment toward me. See, i got off easy in that i don't have mono. (though its still an unfun infection leaving the worst imaginable taste in my mouth.) so i need antibiotics, right? right. my doctor calls and gives us the info. so we wait for the perscription to be forwarded to my pharmacy. and we wait, and wait,.... and wait. after a few hours we realize that nobody ever called my perscription in. All the while, this infection is spreading and attacking my other tonsil. Beautiful. At that rate, i figured that i would need surgery before they even got me my meds. So i finally get them, hours later, and what should i find, but that they are the size of small children... keep in mind i can't swallor. But its alright if i ignore the stinging sensation.
Everybodies talking about the Passion. I on the other hand, was violently ill the day they all went to see it, and thus have nothing to say on the matter. Maybe in a few weeks when theaters have cleared out. In the mean time, i'm going to go watch more disney originals until my eyeballs finally go on strike against me. i bid you *bows* adeiu