"I wanted you to sleep with her, and hate yourself
instead of me.
I wanted you untrue, hating yourself
Like me.
After all what am I missing
I haven't missed before
Sucking down the precious lies I should have swallowed way before"
Kristin Hersh, Spain
Stuck in my pretty little head....
Its raining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So who's gonna come run around in it with me and assist me in making out in the rain? Hmm?.... Oh come on, there's gotta be someone... No.... well arlight. I'll go run around and make out with myself....
Nedless to say, even rain isn't going to make horror of the upcoming day any easier to swallow. I work the worst schedule ever in the history of ever today. 2 to 10... Just shoot me in the face with a ten ton brick. And to do me one better... I can't seem to type today. Many typos to fix. My schedule sucks like this all week. They gave me three days off and they're working me late shifts till christmas. I'm gonna kill... kill, kill, kill, kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't get my keys out of the cars ignition right now, so i've been going through the nerve testing process of disconnecting and reconnection batteries and fuses everytime I get in or out of the beast. It's trying my patience. But It still runs I guess.
Why do the creepy scary people come out of the woodwork when you're not singele?
Well, I have to be to work in a couple of hours, so I have to go enjoy the small bit of my day I've been allowed.
Screw you, Kroger.
To all, have a glorious today and far better tomorrow.